Dare County, North Carolina that is.

These are the adventures of the Sutherland family. We have moved from the northeast coast of North Carolina (Dare County) to the southwest coast of India...from Nags Head to Thiruvananthapuram. If you can't say that, then Trivandrum works, too.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Elephants on Parade...

...at 10:45pm!  Last night, I had just fallen asleep when I was woken by the sound of drums and cymbals getting louder and louder.  It woke Evie up, too.  I picked her up and looked out the window to see a parade going by, or more accurately stoppped in front of our flat.  There must have been 20 or more drums and cymbals, women carrying torches and bowls of fire, people dressed in elaborate feathered costumes, a decorated car with loud speakers attached playing Hindu music, fire crackers, and several caparisoned elephants.  It finally proceeded down the road and we went back to bed.  Then  I noticed the music getting louder again.  The procession had turned and come up the road behind our flat.  It took about 45 minutes for the whole thing to go, but I couldn't sleep afterwards.  I kept hearing the drums in my head!
